Tomorrow evening (too late to be afternoon; not quite night; smack dab in the middle of supper) Edin Road Publications, Obscurities Press in association with Too Cheap to Buy a Real One Productions(T) in cooperation with Blog Talk Radio will feature self-proclaimed obscure Poet and Author David Roth reading Chapter 2, Part 4: Miss Erin is Missing, from his novel The Adventures of the Magnificent Seven, followed by a short discussion of the book with program host Jesse Coffey. The program will begin broadcast at 6:30 pm eastern time (18:30 hours; 23:30 GMT-5; sometime the next day in Sydney).
Edin Road® Radio is a division of Edin Road® Press, the proud publisher of the forthcoming electronic book version of The Adventures of the Magnificent Seven, due wherever e-books are sold just in time for Groundhog Day, 2011, and all versions of David’s new novel, Legends of Greenbook Park, due to hit bookshelves in fall, 2011.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress, Tales from Whine Country.
From the newsroom, the current temperature in Valmiera, Latvia, is 21°f (that’s -6°c for those of you keeping score with the metric system).
I’m writing this with the 60 free trial of Microsoft Office Home and Student 2011. I figured I’d try the free trial before I spend $150 on the real thing for which there is no upgrade discount. Once it loads, the modules seem intuitive and clean, but it takes twice as long to load on my system as does its predecessor, Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007. The jury is still out on whether or not I’m going to get the paid-for version when the trial ends. So far I’m not convinced that it’s that much better than the older version, plus, as I said, it loads a lot slower.
Did I mention that I’m going to be on internet radio tomorrow night? 6:30 PM Eastern time. Edin Road® on Blog Talk Radio. It’s live world-wide, you know. Tell your friends.
Christmas is ten days away. Nine if you live in Australia. We have three strings of those cute fake icicles hanging from our Florida Rain Gutters. It seems wrong somehow without the snow. None-the-less, they’ve been overcommercializing it as they always do since just before Halloween. I heard a sermon from the weekend from Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, and the Christmas Story taken from the first chapter of Luke from the New Testament. One of the things I learned from the ‘I didn’t Know That’ Department, which has an office just down the hall from the Department of Redundancies Department, was that if you take the four key names from Luke chapter one and string them together with their meanings, you get an incredible bit of Bible information. The names Zacheriah (the Father of John the Baptist), Elizabeth (the Mother of John the Baptist), John (the Baptist) and Jesus mean, “Jehovah has remembered” (Zacheriah) “His Promise” (Elizabeth), “He is gracious” (John) and “Jehovah is Salvation” (Jesus). Together you canh translate or read it this way: “Jehovah has remembered His promise, He is gracious, and He brings Salvation”. Now how cool is that?
Jesus is the reason for the season, and it is OK to say “Merry Christmas.” It is a happy holiday because Christ is the root word of CHRISTmas, after all. But remember, without Good Friday and Easter Sunday, December 25th is just another day to gather your family around a dead tree, sing songs, and eat candy from a sock.
See you on the radio tomorrow night.
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